Why you should book yourself a solo photo shoot - for no reason!
Alliston and area portrait photographer, Bobbi-Jo Stuart - Love Bee Studios
YES, I am talking to you. YOU!
When was the last time you got in front of the camera…alone?
My guess, if you are a 30 or 40 something year old woman like me…its never. Well not since high school or college anyway! Or maybe your wedding day.
And cell phone selfies don’t count!
And if you are a parent like me, the only time you take photos is for your family. Because we do everything for our families right?
Family first!
But what if I told you it was okay to put yourself first sometimes?
To spend money on yourself. To get pampered for a day. To have professionals oooh and aaah all over YOU?
Then have a blast getting in front of the camera, allowing yourself to shine? Allowing yourself to have FUN!?
And for no reason other than WHY TF not?
Yes, you can do this! You can experience this! And you can even enjoy it!
I have had over 50 women in front of my camera in the last two years, for no reason other than they wanted to capture this time in their life. And what I have learned from them is this:
💜It’s not that scary! If you have an amazing photographer who can help you relax enough to feel and see your own beauty, you will enjoy it.
💜You are beautiful! And allowing yourself to relax and be open to the experience will show you that!
💜It is liberating. Even if you were to never see the photos, the experience itself can be so freeing!
💜It feels freaking fantastic to take time away JUST FOR YOU and allow people to pamper you!
So what are you waiting for?!
Message me anytime to set up a shoot, designed just for you! Let’s celebrate your life, Girl!